10 Practical Steps To A Positive Lifestyle

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In today's world, we are getting angry, jealous and hatred very early. It is not because of the world but because of our inner foundation of thoughts. We forgot our principles and our original qualities day by day and acquired some sneaky qualities from others. Love, Peace, Kindness, Knowledge, Purity, Bliss this is all divine qualities not only for deities but they are yours too. But as we grow in life and started facing different situations in life we started losing these qualities and that's the reason we face some mental disorders.
One of the great authors said that 10% of your life depends on what happens to you but 90% of your life depends on how you react to it.

So today we will discuss 10 practical steps to have a positive lifestyle on a day to day life. 

1. Create an affirmation of positive and practical thought and keep remembering yourself with that thought throughout the day.
Ex: I am Peaceful Being.

2. Before going to sleep make just checklist of mistakes you did today, and make sure next day that mistake may not be repeated. These mistakes are like the weakness of our being and they strength down our inner power and mental strength so that need be fixed as early as possible.

3. In every morning choose any one quality of self, such as peace, love, etc and try to practice that quality in all day. Radiate that quality to others through words or through actions as you interact with them in a whole day.

4. There is no one is perfect in this world everyone has some weaknesses and some best qualities, then try to see good qualities in others and neglect their weaknesses. Your this action will motivate them to work on their weaknesses as their own.

5. While performing actions throughout the day, ensure that you are always smiling and radiating lightness and love to everyone through your eyes, face as well as sweet words and actions.

6. Stop after every one or two hours and look inwards for 1-2 minutes. You can call this Traffic Control Of Mind. Check the flow and quality of your thoughts and bring them on track from negative and unnecessary to positive and constructive.

7. While talking and meeting with others at home or at a workplace, constantly remember that everyone's original qualities are Love, Peace, Kindness, Bliss, and Etc. If you see something negative in them remember that it is not their actual nature, but just an artificial and temporary personality layer.

8. Every morning, pick a selection of good and positive wisdom and read 1-2 pages slowly, imbibing very strongly and bringing it into practice the entire day.

9. Learn meditation and practice before going to sleep and the first thing in the morning as you wake up. Charge yourself with spiritual power from the Supreme Being or God and experience determination.

10. Talk to God as a friend in every action throughout the day and use his mind and your hands to perform actions. In this way, your actions will be positive and powerful, without any mistakes and you will be able to face all situations easily. Faith is a key.

These are 10 steps to a positive lifestyle. Following these steps will open the door of a life full of stability and power.Situations will become like the passing breeze, which will not disturb you in any way. In fact, you will become like a pillar of strength in your family and amidst your colleagues at work, standing tall and upright and never bowing down mentally and emotionally because of lack of spiritual strength.

10 Practical Steps To A Positive Lifestyle 10 Practical Steps To A Positive Lifestyle Reviewed by Khaas Re TV on October 26, 2017 Rating: 5

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